Design of sewage treatment sta tion (8000 cubic meters per day) for the village of Namira El Pasal in El Gharbia, Egypt

Design of collection network for wastewater for El Magarda city in Asir, KSA

Al Siel Saghier Park, Tayeff - KSA

AL-Riyadh Park - KSA

Army Hotel – Egypt

Al Areash Compound - Egypt

HTawi City in Saltante of Oman, (45 hectar ) (year 2003 – 2004 )

Dronka Village in Asuit Governo rate, Sewerage system, Pump sta tions and Force mains Lines and sewage treatment plant

Fakus City in Dakahlia Governorate, Sewerage system, Pump stations and Force mains Lines and sewage treatment plant

El Kahrba & El Souk in Elmenia Gover norate, Sewerage system, Pump sta tions and Force mains Lines

Industrial Area in Kena Governorate, Sewerage system, Pump stations and Force mains Lines

Militory Town in Hamam (City Al exandria Governorate), Sewerage system, Pump stations and Force mains Lines and sewage treatment plant

El Nekabat El Mehania in Nasser City (6000 Cluster), Sewerage system, wa ter Distribution Networks, fire fighting and plumbing works

El Remaia (5000 cluster) in Giza Gov ernorate, Sewerage system, water Distribution Networks, firefighting and plumbing works

Misr International tower In Maadi City (Pullman), Review and Ap proved for plumbing works. Sew erage system, water Distribution Networks and fire fighting

Rabha El Adwia in Naser City (840 Cluster), Sewerage system, water Distribution Networks, fire fighting and plumbing works